
What is an anti-scaling system?

Anti-scaling processes prevent the formation of scaling (calcium carbonate) in water systems. There are various technologies:

Physical: the scaling is neutralised by the action of electrical or magnetic fields, but the mineral content of the water remains unchanged.
By polyphosphates: the calcium ions are neutralised, to avoid stimulating the precipitation of calcium carbonate (scaling).

What are the various physical anti-scaling processes?

Electronic anti-scaling systems

COMAP WT electronic anti-scaling systems (patented process) apply a pulsed and alternating electrical field to the natural electrical charge present in the calcium ions (Ca2+) and hydrogen carbonates (H2CO3-) which are dissolved in the water. The action of the electrical field agitates the ions and modifies the calcium-carbon equilibrium, thus forming nano-crystals of calcium carbonate (CaCO3).

The nano-crystals remain in suspension in the water stream and act as prime crystallisation points by fixing the calcium ions that haven't been transformed. The scaling is thus neutralised without the calcium having been removed from the water. The nano-crystals are evacuated when water is drawn off for consumption. The calcium is perfectly assimilated by the human organism.

Magnetic anti-scaling systems

COMAP WT magnetic scaling inhibitors use permanent magnets to create powerful magnetic fields in the water passing through. The field lines are concentrated and guided over the water. Under the effect of the magnetic fields, the mineral salts (calcium and magnesium) dissolved in the water start to crystallise, and remain in suspension in the water, in this form of microscopic scaling, until they leave the installation.

The appliance thus prevents the formation of hard and encrusting scale.

What are their applications?

Electronic anti-scaling systems are used for many applications: residential, collective and industrial. The magnetic models are limited to residential or low flow applications.

The systems are installed on the main incoming water supply point and provide complete protection of equipment, while also gradually descaling older installations.

How do polyphosphate anti-scaling systems work?

The scaling is neutralised by dissolved polyphosphate crystals in the water.

The crystals also have anti-corrosion properties: the iron ions have an affinity for polyphosphates irrespective of the pH value of the water, which thus limits corrosion.

Anti-scaling applications using polyphosphates

These anti-scaling systems are only recommended for residential applications. They may be installed on the main incoming water supply point. However, it is recommended that they only be used for the protection of the system equipment.


Water draw-off: action of drawing off water from a system.

Electronic anti-scaling

Electronic anti-scaling

Magnetic anti-scaling

Magnetic anti-scaling

Polyphosphate anti-scaling

Polyphosphate anti-scaling





Spare parts

Spare parts
Comap Water Treatment