
COMAP WT invests in an innovative micropollutants treatment process

News - 09-11-2015

In partnership with INSA Lyon, COMAP Water Treatment has developped a unique process to eliminate micrpolluants directly in waterwater treatments plants.

Micropollutants (biocides, pharmaceutical products, hormone residues, etc) can be found ubiquitously in the environment today. Although these substances are known to be harmful for the health and the environment, there is no specific regulations imposing to treat them in wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). Thanks to its deep-rooted experience in UVc disinfection technology, COMAP WT have conducted extensive researches on micropollutants treatment over the past 3 years. This project, lead by Bruno Cédat, PhD student at INSA Lyon, has been conducted in partenship with the waterwater plants designing company SCIRPE. The technology developed, based on the combination of UVc and hydrogen peroxide, led to promising laboraty results.  A full-scale pilot (rating 10m3/h) has just been put in place in a wastewater treatment plant in Jura (France). The analytical monitoring put in place will allow COMAP WT to review the effectiveness of this innovative and eco-friendly treatment process during 2016.

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